Daycare manager Carey-Ann Marshall, and ECE workers Stephani Dorsey, Shanice Parr and Katherine Moody with 10 of the daycare’s 16 children currently enrolled (Caitlin Thompson photo)

Daycare manager Carey-Ann Marshall, and ECE workers Stephani Dorsey, Shanice Parr and Katherine Moody with 10 of the daycare’s 16 children currently enrolled (Caitlin Thompson photo)

Hagensborg Day Care centre now open

The daycare officially opened its doors on Jan. 6th

The long-awaited Hagensborg Daycare Centre opened its doors last month and it is full of happy kids. The brand-new space, which is located on School District 49 property in Hagensborg, has space for 16 children: eight infant/toddler spaces and eight preschoolers.

“Right now we are pretty much full,” said Manager Carey-Ann Marshall. “We have a couple of part-time spaces but that’s it.”

The need for additional daycare spaces was acute for many years before the new centre opened up. At present it is the only licensed centre in Hagensborg. There is one other licensed centre, Nuxalk Daycare, that is located on 4-Mile reserve. Bella Coola Elementary operates a preschool program for four year olds that focuses on play and the transition to kindergarten.

The funding for the centre came from the Province’s Childcare BC New Spaces Fund, which granted School District 49 $1 million to build the facility. The Childcare BC New Spaces Fund is part of the Province’s Childcare BC plan. Under the fund, child care providers can apply at any time throughout the year under a new continuous application process.

The school district will also provide opportunities for parents to participate in weekly activities like storytelling with the children and join their children on field trips. Additionally, the centre offers wraparound services, including mental health supports and access to health professionals, and a clinical therapist for both staff and families.

“Parents throughout the province, and especially in smaller communities like Hagensborg, have been struggling to find quality affordable child care for too long,” said Jennifer Rice, MLA for North Coast. “Our investment has helped to create the first licensed child care centre in Hagensborg, which will not only provide relief for parents, but also support a quality learning environment that sets children on the path towards lifelong learning.”

If you have any questions feel free to call the Hagensborg Day Care at 250 982 2193.

Coast Mountain News