Hagensborg Water District searching for new CAO

Your elected Hagensborg Water District Trustees met Monday, April 24th.

Your elected Hagensborg Water District Trustees met Monday, April 24th. In attendance were Trustees Jeremy Baillie, Chirs Matthews (Chairperson), Donald Mikkelson, Mark Nelson and Kevin O’Neill.  There were no petitions or delegations from the ratepayers.

To begin the meeting, the board of trustees heard a request from one trustee suggesting that the chair should resign both as chair and from the board over a concern about an email he exchanged with a ratepayer. After reading said email, hearing from the chair and hearing from the trustee presenting the motion, the remaining trustees did not feel the chair had in the email spoken in any capacity for the board or as board chair and the email was sent from his private email to the ratepayer discussing the status of their friendship thus the remaining board trustees did not feel the motion warranted considering as it stood.

After the departure from the meeting of one of the trustees, the remaining board members turned their attention other matters such as the ongoing collaboration with DFO deciding to inquire with DFO the status of the collaboration on their end.

The board also received the news that due to health reasons the current Chief Administrative Officer, Rosemary Smart would be ending her employment with the Hagensborg Water District as of April 30, 2017.

In the interim, chief financial officer, Wes Abel, has been acting in her stead until a replacement can be found.  The board considered and asked Mr. Abel if he’d consider performing both positions but Mr. Abel feels his skills are best suited to the CFO position and that he would be doing ratepayers a disservice trying to extend himself beyond that. In light of this discussion, the CAO employment opportunity posting has been re-issued as a permanent position and the deadline to apply extended. Anyone interested in applying, should contact CFO Wes Abel at (250) 982-2777.

Finally, the board discussed the upcoming Annual General Meeting, which will be held Thursday, May 25th at 7:00 in the NES Gym.

Finally, your trustees welcome any feedback and encourage ratepayers to contact them and engage in dialogue as we continue to move forward. The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Trustees will be May 15th at 1:00pm at the Hagensborg Fire Hall.


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