Haida Gwaii and the north west region has hit as low as it can go with zero cases of COVID-19 reported for the week of June 13 to 19. The region has only once been at zero since November 2020. (image: BC CDC)

Haida Gwaii and north west region at ZERO cases of COVID-19

BC CDC mapping shows neighbouring areas also at zero, with Terrace at one

  • Jun. 28, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Haida Gwaii and the north west region has hit zero cases of lab-confirmed COVID-19, a number that has been seen only once since last November, according to the BC Centre of Disease Control epidemiological mapping for the week of June 13 to 19.

However, Terrace has one case of the virus for the same week, while Prince Rupert, Kitimat, Nisga’a, Smithers and all the way to Prince George also have zero cases. Prince George reported in the single digits with just seven cases.

Throughout the whole of the Northern Health region, as of June 25, there are currently 49 active cases of the coronavirus with six patients in hospital, and four in intensive care. There have been 155 deaths in the health authority’s jurisdiction with 7,595 cases recovered.

Province-wide there are 1,096 active cases, with 108 in hospital, 37 of which are in critical care as of the June 25 information posted on the BC CDC website.

K-J Millar | Journalist

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