Haida Gwaii Rock Heart show

  • Apr. 9, 2012 9:00 a.m.

Submitted article–These islands have a lot of heart. So much heart that you are able to find natural shaped hearts all over the islands.Most of Graham island was covered in the tertiary age(60 million years) with lava flows up to 18,000 feet thick called the Masset Formation. Gas pockets formed in the basalt (amygdaloidal basalt) in which agates and crystals grew. Over the millions of years the gravels containing agates were deposited by glaciers and water erosion. Road building also exposes material.You are invited to show your special finds in a contest with the people voting at the fall fair for the winner.Categories: . best natural heart (any type of stone naturally formed). largest agate. most beautiful agateThe only rule is that they have to be found on Haida Gwaii. Prizes will be posted at a later date. Anyone or business is welcomed to donate for sponsorship prizes.Will be posting photos on a blog of entries. http://rockheartshow.wordpress.com You may send a photo rockheartshow@gmail.comand or bring in your entry to be photographed or weighed to Crystal Cabin Gallery, 778A Richardson Road Tlell, 557-4383.

Haida Gwaii Observer