Haida Nation rejects Eagle Spirit Energy oil project

The Council of the Haida Nation is opposed to Eagle Spirit Energy's proposed oil project.

The Council of the Haida Nation has written a letter to Eagle Spirit Energy Holding Ltd stating its opposition to the company’s proposed oil project.

Along with other First Nations, the Haida Nation met with Calvin Helin, chairman and president of Eagle Spirit Energy, and other representatives in December 2013 and February 2014, with the company describing its business case and project’s benefits.

“We indicated to you very clearly in our meeting that the Haida Nation strongly opposes any oil developments on our coast, regardless of who the proponents are,” reads the letter signed by Peter Lantin, president of the Haida Nation and dated May 1.

“Pleased be advised that we will not support such an idea. The risk of an oil spill, refined or not, and no amount of money would justify putting our waterways, oceans and beaches in peril.”

The letter requests Eagle Spirit Energy abandon the idea and join with First Nations to stop the Enbridge Northern Gateway project and any other project that “might put our life source at risk”.

The Northern View