Grade 4 students (from left) Elijah Vaughn, James Affleck and Sarah Brown pose with principal Nicole Boucher. Last Friday LCS held a costume contest as part of the Halloween activities.

Grade 4 students (from left) Elijah Vaughn, James Affleck and Sarah Brown pose with principal Nicole Boucher. Last Friday LCS held a costume contest as part of the Halloween activities.

Halloween 2014 another screaming success for communities around Cowichan Lake

Halloween events took place in Lake Cowichan, Honeymoon Bay and Youbou.

Halloween was a busy day around the lake this year.

Palsson School held a Halloween Pumpkin Light-Up last Friday where students decorated pumpkins and then lit them in an assembly.


Lake Cowichan School held a costume contest for students to show off their costumes to friends and family.

Honeymoon Bay Volunteer Fire Department served hot dogs, hot chocolate and hosted an evening bon fire and costume contest.

Youbou’s Halloween Haunted House was another success this year. Residents from around the lake communities visited the Youbou Communtiy Hall beginning at 5:30 p.m.

There were many traditional costumes along with a variety of original ones, including a toddler dressed up as a mouse in a stroller decked out like a mouse trap.

The Haunted House was three rooms this year, with a fourth, less scary Halloween-themed room for young children to play in. The main house was a long, winding maze complete with ghosts, zombies, a grieving widow, a mad doctor with a chainsaw sawing open a victim on his table, and little goblins hiding throughout the maze.

Connie Vaughan and family created the ‘Youbou Crematorium’ which won the contest for best room this year. Second place went to Kim Ring and family’s ‘Gore Sisters Circus of Psychos,’ and third place went to Eva Fearon’s ‘Ghost Hotel.’

There was also a costume competition will categories in all age groups. Trick-or-treaters visited the haunted house, showed off their costumes, ate hot dogs served by Youbou Volunteer Fire Department, and then wrapped things up to watch the fire works.

Volunteers worked hard to make all of these events a screaming and safe success for everyone, and organizers are already looking forward to Halloween next year.



Lake Cowichan Gazette