Trick or treating may look a little different for 2020 thanks to COVID-19, but it didn’t stop people in Port Alberni from decorating their houses for Halloween. (SUSAN QUINN/ Alberni Valley News)

Trick or treating may look a little different for 2020 thanks to COVID-19, but it didn’t stop people in Port Alberni from decorating their houses for Halloween. (SUSAN QUINN/ Alberni Valley News)

Halloween weekend a quiet one in Port Alberni for police, fire department

One report of a Quarantine Act violation turned out to be unfounded

Halloween weekend was fairly quiet in Port Alberni.

According to Port Alberni RCMP Sgt. Peter Dionne, the detachment had five calls related to fireworks on Halloween night. The first call came in at 9 p.m. and the last one came in at midnight, said Dionne.

“Which doesn’t seem excessive,” he added.

The detachment also received one report of a Quarantine Act violation, but this turned out to be unfounded.

“Nothing else COVID-related,” said Dionne.

The Port Alberni Fire Department also had a fairly quiet weekend. Deputy fire chief Wes Patterson said that the department didn’t have any calls related to fireworks.

“We know there were fireworks set off, but we didn’t receive any reports from them,” said Patterson.

From Friday morning to Sunday night, the department responded to 20 calls altogether—most of which were medical calls, said Patterson. There were also two minor motor vehicle incidents and a couple of false alarms.

“All in all, considering what weekend it was, it was fairly quiet,” said Patterson.

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