Travis Takasaki swabs his mouth at the swab drive for Hannah Day event at Mayfair Shopping Centre, with daughter Haylee, four, looking on. Huge numbers of people have turned up for the event, with lines around the mall.

Travis Takasaki swabs his mouth at the swab drive for Hannah Day event at Mayfair Shopping Centre, with daughter Haylee, four, looking on. Huge numbers of people have turned up for the event, with lines around the mall.

Hannah Day swab drive attracts huge crowd

The event is being held to find a stem cell donor for Day, a four-year-old Langford resident with leukemia.

A large-than-expected crowd has turned up for the OneMatch swab drive for Hannah Day, a response which has organizers pleased and thankful.

The event is being held to find a stem cell donor match for Day, a four-year-old Langford resident with leukemia, the second cancer diagnosis of her life. A stem cell transplant is Day’s last chance for a cure, but a match must be found in order for the procedure to be carried out.

The event is on at the Mayfair Shopping Centre until 7 p.m. tonight (Friday, Jan. 31). In particular need are men between the ages of 17 and 35. Expect up to a half-hour wait. Participants must simply fill out a form and take a series of swabs of the inside of their mouth.


Victoria News