(Colleen Flanagan/THE NEWS files)

(Colleen Flanagan/THE NEWS files)

Happy bees, happy garden

Planet Bee celebrates Earth Day by giving back to bees

  • Apr. 23, 2018 12:00 a.m.

Take care of the bees, and they’ll help take care of the garden.

That’s what Planet Bee manager of sales and marketing Olivia Nowek says as she’s joined by the Food Action Society and The Flower Spot April 22.

“We wanted to commemmorate Earth Day this year with a way to give back and say thanks to the bees, which give us so many amazing products and are so important to our natural environment,” Nowek says.

The Food Action Society hosted a polinator workshop while The Flower Spot showcased perennials and annuals for the home garden.


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Vernon Morning Star