Proud parents and Robson residents Kyle Braga and Brittany Zirk with their newborn son Max who was born on January 1 at 8:30 p.m. at the Kootenay Lake Hospital in Nelson.

Proud parents and Robson residents Kyle Braga and Brittany Zirk with their newborn son Max who was born on January 1 at 8:30 p.m. at the Kootenay Lake Hospital in Nelson.

Happy New Year’s baby!

Robson residents Kyle Braga and Brittany Zirk welcome their son Max who was born on January 1 at 8:30 p.m. in Nelson.

Little Max Braga is Nelson’s 2015 New Year’s baby. Robson residents Brittany Zirk and Kyle Braga welcomed their son Max when he was born on January 1 at 8:30 p.m. in Nelson. Weighing in at six pounds and 12 ounces and a length of 50 centimetres, Max is the first baby to be born at the Kootenay Lake Hospital in 2015.

The couple knew they were expecting a boy. However, Zirk’s original due date was in mid-January so it was a bit unexpected when she went into labour early in the morning of New Year’s day.

The couple had spent New Year’s eve at a friend’s place and shortly after returning home, Zirk told Braga it was time to go to the hospital for the birth of her first child. Her contractions had began at 4 a.m. and by 2:30 p.m. they were at the hospital.  She was in hard labour at 8 p.m. and after a half hour of pushing, Max was born.

“Everyone was pretty impressed,” said Zirk. “It was pretty quick, but not exactly painless.”

Zirk was “really happy and somewhat relieved” that her labour went relatively fast as Braga’s step-sister’s three-day labour earlier this summer was fresh on their minds.

Since his early arrival Max has been sleeping all day and up every hour feeding at night.

“It feels good to be a mom,” said Zirk. “He’s a good baby so far.”

Braga said, “I told him on New Year’s eve he needed to come out so we could play and he arrived the next day.”

Max received a new quilt from the Ladies Auxiliary which will go on his new crib that’s waiting for him.

“I picked up the crib the day Brittany went into labour,” said Braga, “so I set that up yesterday and the baby’s room is ready.”

The family will be returning to their home in Robson today.

Nelson Star