Happy to live here

District of Mission releases its budget survey results

Ninety-two per cent of Mission residents are satisfied with their quality of life in the community, according to results from the District of Mission’s 2013 budget survey.

More specifically, 58 per cent rated their quality of life in Mission as “good,” 29 per cent said it was “very good,” and five per cent said it was “excellent”.

Respondents also listed the top three district priorities to be a safe and secure municipality, strong financial position, and infrastructure that is well maintained and sustainable.

When asked what the most important issue the district faces today, 93 responders said the downtown and its revitalization, and 80 commented on business and the economy.

“The results clearly support what we’re trying to do downtown,” said Mission Mayor Ted Adlem. “At this stage I believe most people believe we’re taking the right tact to try to control costs.”

This is the first time the district has reached out to taxpayers with a survey to determine what’s important to them. Council doesn’t want to increase taxes next year will consider the information as part of the budget process.

Adlem says just because there isn’t any new tax dollars coming in, that doesn’t mean there isn’t an increase in the district’s budget. In the last two years, the district has had about $800,000 in new tax revenue from new developments, he noted.

The It’s Your Business questionnaire ran for one month this past summer and generated 651 responses.

The full results are available at www.mission.ca.

Mission City Record