Harrison annual report lists goals and accomplishments

Upgrades on Esplanade on this year's Village to-do list

Harrison’s 2012 Annual Report, which has been available for public comment since May 31, was approved uananimously by council at Monday’s meeting.

The report outlines the year’s finances in a consolidated form, but also includes a community profile and lists accomplishments of the year that has passed, and goals for the future.

The highlights of 2012’s accomplishments by the Village include the new fire truck, traffic calming measures on McCombs, the newly commissioned Waste Water Treatment Plant, improvements to the Miami River Greenway trail, and a new zoning bylaw.

Goals for 2013 include upgrades to the Esplanade Block 100, constructing a new water treatment plant, improvements to transit, and implementing a Village Core Tax Revitalization Bylaw. Many of those 2013 goals are already in the process of completion.

The review also looks at the Village’s financial outlook, in consolidated form, whereas the budget (presented earlier this spring) goes further into detail.

The cost of salaries, wage and employee benefits for 2012 was $1,372,680, costs of operating materials and supplies was $508,223 and administration services and supplies was $399,169.

Taxes collected (municipal, utility tax, payments in lieu, school tax, FVRD tax, hospital and police taxes) totaled $3,421,723. Much of that tax money is transferred to other government bodies, leaving the municipality with a net $1,821,615.

One of the commitments listed in the report is annual funding for Tourism Harrison in the amount of $31,000. That agreement ends on Dec. 31, 2013.

It also notes that one taxpayer accounts for about 23 per cent of the Village’s property tax revenue.

The report also lists the council’s various committees and commissions, along with their meeting times. Committees are Parks and Trails, Recreation, Beach and Foreshore and Communities in Bloom and the sole commission is the Advisory Planning Commission.

For more information about what’s going on in the Village regarding development, visit www.harrisonhotsprings.com.



Agassiz Observer