Harrison councilors given committee roles at first meeting

More experienced councilor Allan Jackson to be deputy mayor for whole of 2012

Harrison’s three new councilors got their feet wet at the first regular council meeting Monday night at the Village office.

The meeting’s agenda included only a few items, and many of those weren’t discussed as they were included in the “consent agenda.”

Each of the the councilors and the mayor were given their portfolios and committee positions at the meeting, which lasted less than 40 minutes.

Councilor Allan Jackson was named as deputy mayor for the entire year of 2012, even though it is general practice to rotate each councilor through that role at three month intervals.

When questioned by Councilor Sonja Reyerse about the change and “moving away from the more democratic process,” CAO Ted Tisdale said that Jackson had a better knowledge of council procedures and a year would allow the new councilors a chance to learn more before taking on deputy mayor roles.

Mayor Leo Facio will be the director for the FVRD, with Jackson as an alternate.

Jackson will sit on the Fraser Valley Treaty Advisory Committee.

Councillor Zoltan Kiss was named a director of the Fraser Valley Regional Library board, with Councilor Sonja Reyerse as an alternate.

Reyerse will also be the liaison for the Village for the Harrison-Agassiz Chamber of Commerce. Reyerse is a long-time director for the Chamber, and co-owns a bed and breakfast in Harrison Hot Springs.

Jackson will remain a part of the award-winning Communities in Bloom team. Facio will be in charge of a youth committee and a recreation committee.

Councilor Richard Shelley will work with the Healthy Communities committee, and Parks and Trails.

Agassiz Observer