Harrison Mills getting proactive on emergency response

New Community Emergency Response Team holds first annual open house

  • May. 29, 2014 2:00 p.m.

Harrison Mills has created a Community Emergency Response Team, and they held their first annual open house at Tapadera’s spacious clubhouse on Sunday, May 25.

President Al Roberts and his team of emergency responders welcomed visitors from the Harrison Mills area, including Pretty Estates, Eagle Point Estates, Harrison Lane and River Reach Estates.

“I’m very pleased with the response from the community,” says Roberts.

“The open house was an excellent first step in developing CERT’s public profile,” said Chris Wilson, Emergency Services Manager for the Fraser Valley Regional District (FVRD), and overseer of the CERT initiative. “We are looking forward to building on this momentum and raising community awareness about the importance of personal emergency preparedness.”

CERT was developed in response to the unique challenges facing communities within Harrison Mills. In the event of disasters such as forest fires, floods or earthquakes, CERT volunteers operate under the direction of the FVRD Emergency Program. Volunteers are all trained to provide initial assistance and first response to citizens until other emergency responders arrive on the scene.

As well as affording the public an opportunity to have questions answered by the CERT volunteers, the open house featured “Grab ‘N Go” kits, information on emergency preparedness, and a display from Kent-Harrison Search and Rescue.

For more information about CERT, contact Chris Wilson at 604-702-5495.

Agassiz Observer