Smoke could be seen billowing from the Hartland Landfill Facility on Thursday (July 23) around 6:45 p.m. This view is from the corner of West Saanich Road and Wallace Drive.

Smoke could be seen billowing from the Hartland Landfill Facility on Thursday (July 23) around 6:45 p.m. This view is from the corner of West Saanich Road and Wallace Drive.

Hartland Landfill fire extinguished

Highlands Fire Department aids in efforts with tanker truck

Smoke billowing from the Hartland Landfill Facility yesterday could be seen from several parts of the Highlands and Saanich, prompting a number of 911 calls.

The Saanich Fire department has been on scene since 6:30 p.m. last night and has contained the fire to the active face of the household waste area.

The Highlands Fire Department offered assistance and joined the fight, adding their tanker truck to the efforts. A crew from the Highlands, including Chief Dean Ford, spent the early hours of this morning fighting the blaze.

Chief Ford could not be reached for comment at this time.

Crews from four departments including Saanich, the Highlands, Victoria, and Central Saanich are still on scene.

The landfill remains closed today. Expect some delays if you are traveling on West Saanich Road and Hartland Avenue. There may also be some changes to water pressure in the area.

UPDATE: The fire is believed to be extinguished. Crews have begun the clean-up process and will continue to monitor the area. It is believed that the fire may have been caused by improperly disposed of garbage.

Goldstream News Gazette