Have you seen this swans? For years Cawston has been home to a bevy of swans for decades. (Laurie Dyck photo)

Have you seen this swans? For years Cawston has been home to a bevy of swans for decades. (Laurie Dyck photo)

Have you seen the Cawston swans?

At least seven swans hangout around Cawston

  • Feb. 27, 2019 12:00 a.m.

While on a walk on Saturday afternoon, the air filled with the thundering sound of honking and flapping of wings.

To my surprise seven giant swans flew over headed south east along the Similkameen River. I’d never seen them before and was excited to think perhaps it was a sign of spring.

Not far from where I am from in Southwestern Ontario each year about 60,000 eastern Tundra swans migrate through the Aylmer, Long Point area heading from their winter home in Chesapeake Bay, Maryland, U.S. to their arctic coastline breeding grounds.

So it’s not far off-base that I would think that.

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I jumped on the Keremeos Facebook in excitement to ask if anyone else had seen them or had a picture.

Immediately people responded – and my hopes they were concrete sign this dark winter was over – were dashed.

I quickly learned the beautiful swans are full-time residents in these parts and are often found in Ginty’s Pond or hanging out on VLA Road.

While talking to Area B director George Bush (Cawston), I further learned the swans have been longtime residents of the area – with George saying he remembers them always being around.

Bush said he didn’t know where they came from or how they got here, but that he didn’t remember a time there weren’t swans residing in that part of the valley.

If you know anything about the swans or have pictures email editor@keremeosreview.com.

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