Fawns seen downtown Penticton, June 3. (Phil McLachlan - Western News)

Fawns seen downtown Penticton, June 3. (Phil McLachlan - Western News)

Heads up, it’s fawning season in Penticton

Baby deer seen frolicking through downtown Penticton Wednesday afternoon

  • Jun. 3, 2020 12:00 a.m.

Heads up Penticton, it’s fawning season.

Around noon on Wednesday, June 3, a mother deer and two young fawns were seen running through downtown Penticton, close to the waterfront area.

The City of Penticton advised residents to be aware that this is the season; mother deer and their offspring will become more frequent in the area.

According to WildSafeBC, fawning season begins at the end of May, and goes through the month of June.

The City reminded residents to keep their distance, as mother deer can be concerned about the welfare of their babies.

“Deer are wild animals, you should never approach deer especially those with young as they may attack,” reads a statement on WildSafeBC’s website.

“Laying their ears back and lowering their head can be signs of an impending attack.”

If you are attacked by a deer try to stay upright, cover your head with your arms and move to shelter, explained WildSafeBC. I you are concerned for your safety or have sighted deer in your neighborhood that are no longer afraid of people or pets, report them to the Conservation Officer Service by calling 1-877-952-7277.

Yesterday, the City of Penticton released a statement warning residents of a deer with young babies showing signs of aggression near the Penticton Dam.

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