The Hope and Area Healthy Communities Committee met on Sept. 26 at the Fraser Canyon Hospital after breaking for the summer. (X. Y. Zeng photo)

The Hope and Area Healthy Communities Committee met on Sept. 26 at the Fraser Canyon Hospital after breaking for the summer. (X. Y. Zeng photo)

Healthy committee resumes meetings with health report

Briefs from the Sept. 26 meeting.

The Hope and Area Healthy Communities Committee met on Sept. 26 at the Fraser Canyon Hospital.

Healthy living report

Fraser Health healthy living co-ordinator Anne Todd said a food costing survey was conducted in May, done every two years. A few communities were selected as sample communities and Todd said the cost to buy a month’s basket of healthy foods in 2015 for a family of four cost $997 in Hope compared to $927 in the Fraser East region.

That represents about a 7.55 per cent difference in cost, and Hope residents make 15.3 per cent less than residents in the Fraser Valley Regional District which includes areas of the western Fraser Valley.

Todd said food costs are “significantly higher” in Hope and that the results of this year’s survey will likely be released next year.

Todd also reported on active living. She said they did bike to work week promotion in May and had really good response — 39 people registered compared to one person last year. This year, 17 teams biked 826 kilometres, burned 25,000 calories and saved 179 kilograms of greenhouse gas.

“We did almost as well as Langley and Maple Ridge,” said Todd. “I thought that was quite good.”

Todd said she and Hope and District Recreation Centre manager Jodi Castle wanted to continue the biking initiative after the week, but that did not work out because of the heat and smoke. Instead, Todd said they hosted a bike rodeo on Sept. 16, where 30 children showed up.

On tobacco reduction, Todd said they plan to do a social media awareness campaign over the fall that will encourage people to understand the benefits of quitting and clean air spaces. Todd added that she is trying to get QuitNow training to health professionals in Hope and any interested parties. With QuitNow, Todd also wants to host focus groups with smokers to find out how to help them quit.

Two applications for $25K macro health grant

Fraser Health has received two applications for the new $25,000 macro health grant announced in August.

The first request comes from Hope and Area Transition Society, asking for the full amount. They want the funds to get architectural drawings for a youth centre that will be built next to their office.

Silver Creek Elementary School also asked for $15,000 to expand community gardens on the school’s property.

Fall Health Fair details

The committee released brief but important details about the Hope and Area Health and Wellness Conference, also known as the Fall Health Fair. Fraser Health representative Joyce Mackenzie said that the fair will run 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the rec centre on Oct. 28.

The fair will host a flu shot clinic from 10 a.m. to noon, and then 1 to 3 p.m., with a break for lunch and entertainment in between. Food will be available.

Vendors interested in a booth can get one for $20, and donors interested in sponsoring the event can contact the committee.

Hope Standard