Healthyway Natural Foods recently moved to a new location on Cedar Street, and the owners say the building 'feels like home.'

Healthyway Natural Foods recently moved to a new location on Cedar Street, and the owners say the building 'feels like home.'

Healthyway makes a healthy switch

The owners of Healthyway Natural Foods are looking forward to opening a cafe in their new location this spring.

“[There’s] a growing interest in overall wellness and healthy living,” says one of Healthyway Natural Foods’ frequent customers. Which means Healthyway’s location change from 12th Avenue to 1121 Cedar St. happened at the perfect time.

On Oct. 17, 2015, Healthyway closed the 12th Avenue location doors for good in order to move across from the Community Centre with more products, aisle space and a fresh look to match its fresh produce. The store re-opened at the new location on election day, Oct. 19, 2015, where there was no shortage of community interest in the new building.

“All hands [were] on deck,” for the location change, where the entire staff, family, friends and volunteers aided in the move.

The owners, Donna and Will Pakosz, say the new location “feels like home” and the “move is part of the development of [their] business.”

The Pakoszes plan to open a whole foods, organic plant-strong and ethical meat cafe in the new location mid-spring. An “amazing and experienced” chef has been hired for the cafe who shares similar philosophies as those involved with Healthyway of “eating ethically and sustainably.” It is planned that a variety of dynamic menu items will be offered, including a selection of smoothies, juices, raw vegan treats, soups and as many “in-season” selections as appropriate. The cafe aims to be open to a wide range of food philosophies and to have a theme of ” healthy culture around food.”

The process of the location change took over a year of hard work but the new location has been receiving plenty of positive feedback and is proving to be an “accessible environment to shop in,” with one online review claiming: “Healthyway is the best organic grocery store [they’ve] been to on the island.”

While walking into Healthyway, it is plain to see the store supports organic and local businesses, but what isn’t so easily noted is where these morals derive from. For the past 10 years, the Pakoszes have owned Healthyway Natural Foods but their interest in supporting local businesses and sustainability in the environment came long before their ownership of the store. Their ideologies came from a multitude of aspects in their lives, such as hiking to form a connection to nature, and by taking a general interest in politics surrounding food and the environment.

The business is very family-oriented and the Pakoszes are very open to the opinions and feedback of their families and staff, even casting votes for the soon-to-be-released name of the cafe and asking opinions and ideas for the menu items.

The owners have watched kids grow up in the store and are happy to provide a store that is both ethical and sustainable for anyone and everyone to shop in.

The store carriers a variety of products ranging from a variety of natural supplementations, organic grocery and produce items, and natural body care items, eventually aiming to be a “one-stop shop for customers.”

Overall, the move has been a positive experience for Healthyway, even enabling the team to “feel closer to the Campbell River community.”

The Healthyway staff members are looking forward to the opening of the cafe and to continuing to learn about the community and natural whole foods.

For contact information, recipes, articles on health and wellness, and information on the local producers visit the Healthyway website, Facebook page, or talk to any of the “knowledgeable staff” at the Healthyway Natural Foods store.

Campbell River Mirror