The Heart Research Institute says that every seven minutes in Canada someone dies from heart disease or stroke. Photo submitted

The Heart Research Institute says that every seven minutes in Canada someone dies from heart disease or stroke. Photo submitted

Stroke month aims to close gaps in medical treatment

The Heart & Stroke Foundation will be campaigning to raise funds and awareness throughout June

Every year, more than 89,000 Canadians suffer a stroke and 878,000 are living with stroke symptoms.

But thanks to efforts across the country over the last 30 years, Canadians are far more likely to survive a stroke than they were in the past. That research has been led by the Heart & Stroke Foundation, which has contributed $1.6 billion in funding for treatment since 1952.

“The progress we have seen in stroke care is monumental,” says Heart & Stroke director of health systems, Patrice Lindsay. “Just over thirty years ago when someone experienced a stroke, there was almost nothing that could be done for them. This has completely changed, today there is so much that can be done to treat stroke and support recovery.”

Despite the advancements in treatment, the number of Canadians who suffer from strokes is on the rise. The Heart & Stroke Foundation attributes the rise to an aging population and an increase in stroke among young people — likely due to an increase in health factors like unhealthy diets, high blood pressure and lack of physical activity.

une is stroke month. The Heart & Stroke Foundation will be campaigning to raise awareness around the causes and warning signs of stroke.

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