

Heat wave means water restrictions

Creston residents are now under Stage 2 water restrictions, Town Council learned.

  • Jul. 6, 2017 12:00 p.m.


Advance staff

Creston residents are now under Stage 2 water restrictions, Town Council learned at its regular meeting last Tuesday.

With hot weather upon us, and demand for agriculture use at its seasonal peak, Colin Farynowski reported that State 2 restrictions would take effect on July 1st in Creston and Erickson, both which are supplied by the Arrow Creek water system.

Farynowski, manager of engineering services, said the Arrow Creek water flow is slowing and peak demand will put a strain on the system until the remainder of the main water line is replaced this fall.

Under Stage 2 conservation measures, watering of lawns, gardens, trees and shrubs is restricted to 6 am to 10 am and 8 pm to 10 pm daily. Filling of swimming pools, fountains and other decorative features is prohibited without permission of the works superintendent.

In other Town Council news:

• Patricia Dehnel, community relations manager for the Community Energy Association appeared before Council to provide an update on regional initiatives and to introduce Paris Marshall Smith as the new RDCK sustainability coordinator. Marshall Smith was previously the Fields Forward coordinator.

• Council voted to adopt the 2016 Creston Annual Report.

• Development variance permit applications for 612 Dugan Street and 920 Cook Street, were approved to proceed through the public notification stage.

• Bev Caldwell confirmed the final by-election results from the June 10 election in her role as chief elections officer. She estimates less than 15 per cent of eligible voters cast ballots.

• Discussion about whether the Town of Creston should be a Chamber of Commerce member continued, with no resolution. The possibility of RDCK Service 108, the economic development service that includes the Town of Creston and Areas B and C, becoming a member is being explored.

• Funding requests for $35,000 will be made from the Community Development Program, which is administered by the RDCK. Of that amount, $28,000 will go to downtown beautification projects and $7,000 will be designated for the purchase of public art for the downtown core.

• The Town of Creston will lease the empty lot at 1411 Canyon Street for $1 a year to create a public green space.

“The Property has been previously used as a public green space, originally sponsored by the Town of Creston’s Spirit Committee. Benches and concrete work were donated at that time. Over the years, the greenspace has fallen into disrepair and is in need of improvement. In addition, there is no formal agreement currently in place to allow for municipal occupation of the land,” said Mayor Ron Toyota.

“The Town considers this option to be an affordable one by which a public greenspace and rest area can be created in the downtown core. By providing public green spaces and rest areas that are comfortable and safe, we make our downtown more appealing to visitors and residents alike” he said.

• Ross Beddoes, director of municipal services, gave Council an overview of issues being discussed by the Cemetery Select Committee, including information about deteriorating concrete bases into which granite inset markers were placed about 50 years ago. An attempt is being made to notifiy owners of the markers and inform them about the disrepair and provide information about options to make repairs.

He also spoke about the practice of removing flower arrangements from grave sites prior to lawn mowing. Fresh flowers in good condition and artificial arrangements, he said, are placed on a table on the east side of the cemetery, where they can be claimed and replaced by the owners. Wilted flowers are discarded.

Creston Valley Advance