Hedley museum update

Message from the President, Hedley museum spring update

Hello Everyone,

2013 saw the loss of Tom Leslie who was a great asset to the museum.

With the loss of Tom I was pushed into the front line of overseeing the running of the museum, with the help and support from the B.O.D. and members we were able to keep things running smoothly.

Our main fundraiser for the year, “The Harvest Dinner” was a great success again with a full house. Thank you again to all members and volunteers for a job well done.

Our biggest challenge in 2014 will be to find enough volunteers to “man” the museum during opening times.

We are currently trying to find someone to run the tea room on a regular basis, this failing we will be in dire need of volunteers to keep the museum open. If you feel you can spare four hours a week to help out please let me know.

We are planning on a few more events at the museum during the year; these will be posted on the web site and around town when dates have been finalized.

I am looking forward to working with the new board this year, we have a great team and I feel confident we can overcome any challenges we may face.

Jean Robinson

Message from the Treasurer

From a financial perspective the museum had another reasonably good year, with many improvements made from successful grant applications for projects and operations and the priceless commitment of our Board of Directors, Members and Volunteers.

We give deep thanks for your help, advice and donations.

During this year we were awarded grants from British Columbia Gaming, a Federal Summer Student grant, a Heritage Canada grant for Canada Day, and Community Grant-in-aid and Heritage grants from the Regional District. An 2012 Gaming Grant covered most of the cost of painting the Museum exterior.

The continuous effort to supplement our income with grant funds is essential to the existence of the museum and so are our regular volunteer fund raising projects and operation of the gift shop and tearoom. We collected over $5,200 in cash donations from visitors.

We are already working hard this year with one grant application already submitted and money toward operation in the bank. An approved gaming grant for $10,000 for specific projects is in the bank from 2013.

HHMS Newsletter February 2014

Funds to meet our operating costs are always “tight” and we need all components creating income so that we may continue to maintain and continually improve our museum. Keep up the good work everybody!

The New Year, for this treasurer, has brought a new bookkeeping program which we will be implementing very shortly. It was agreed that sending our accounting to an external book-keeper made it very difficult to have up-to-date information at hand and observing and addressing problems was always delayed. This experiment didn’t work and we are taking back these duties. We are hoping to have a simpler, straightforward and easy to read set of Financials that will fill our needs and be comprehensive for members to understand.

Terri-Jo Bratt

Hedley Heritage Museum Society Board of Directors 2013 -2014

President Jean Robinson elected Vice-President Linda Martens elected Treasurer Terri-Jo Bratt re-elected Secretary Margaret Skaar elected

Directors Gerry Wilkin, new; Kim English, new Anne Pinchin re-elected, Jennifer Douglass re-elected, Andy English re-elected; Vernona Slater re-elected

Virtual Exhibition:

Tenacity, the Story of Hedley, Then and Today

Launched in May 2013, Tenacity, the Story of Hedley, Then and Today is virtual exhibition showcasing a collection of 325 photographs, two video uploads and visual chapters supported by historical text and recollections that shaped the growth of Hedley. The exhibition captures over one hundred of years of our history.

Viewed on the Virtual Museum of Canada website, the virtual exhibition creates an opportunity for anyone interested in the history of Hedley, whether it be past and current residents, school teachers and their

students, prospective visitors to the area, or historian buffs to discover Hedley from the comforts of their homes, or in this digital age, from their Smart Phones or Smart tablets.

The project was funded by the Canadian Heritage Information Network, Virtual Museum of Canada Community Memories Exhibits and developed by Kim English with the support of the Hedley Museum Board and under the supervision of Vernona Slater, Jennifer Douglass, Gerry Wilkin, and Thom Leslie.

The museum thanks everyone who participated and shared their stories by photographs, newspaper collections, videos, knowledge, and personal stories that enriched the project.

To view Tenacity, the Story of Hedley, Then and Today,



or search: Tenacity on the Virtual Museum website


Keremeos Review