Hedley residents are advised to not drink the water until a pump in one of its wells is fixed. Photo Andrea DeMeer

Hedley residents under do-not-consume-water order due to arsenic levels

Residents in Hedley remain under a do-not-consume-water order, due to higher than safe levels of arsenic.

  • Jan. 21, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Residents in Hedley remain under a do-not-consume-water order, due to higher than safe levels of arsenic.

The order was issued on Christmas Day 2020, according to Wesley Mufford, chair of the Hedley Improvement District.

On Dec. 25 the pump in one of Hedley’s two wells – and the well most often used – broke.

The pump is 18 years old and was scheduled for replacement early this year.

That forced water system operators to switch to a second well which typically has more arsenic.

Presently water tested from that well contains 11 parts per billion of arsenic, while the safe level is 10 parts per billion, said Mufford.

Residents are also advised that boiling the water will not make it safe, and will in fact increase its arsenic concentration, said Mufford.

The parts needed to fix the disabled pump and well are on order, he added, but their shipment has been delayed by COVID conditions.

He could not speculate as to when the pump will be fixed and the water safe again to drink.

Approximately 240 people live in Hedley.

In 2018 Interior Health issued a do-not-consume order for Hedley water because of arsenic and coliform.

Hedley residents will be without water for at least one week

Water samples good, Hedley awaits drinking water A-OK

Do you have something to add to this story, or something else we should report on? Email:mailto:andrea.demeer@similkameenspotlight.com


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