Police attend the scene of an MVA on Headquarters Road Friday afternoon. Phone by Mike Chouinard

Helicopter called in to help with MVA near Courtenay

Vehicle took out power pole at a sharp turn on Headquarters Road

  • Jul. 9, 2021 12:00 a.m.

An air ambulance was called in to assist at the scene of a motor vehicle accident north of Courtenay Friday afternoon.

Emergency personnel from the RCMP, ambulance and the Courtenay Fire Department were called to Headquarters Road shortly after 12 p.m.

A vehicle evidently lost control and took out a power pole near a sharp corner near Carwithen Road. One person was involved in the crash. It appeared the vehicle made contact with a guy wire for the pole.

A landing area for the helicopter had been set up at the field at Vanier Secondary, but the craft was able to land closer to the scene of the accident. Courtenay Fire Department confirmed an ambulance took the patient to the helicopter.

By about 1:15 p.m., the fire department was able to clear the scene, as BC Hydro arrived to attend to the power line. A traffic control crew also arrived to redirect traffic through the afternoon while work was happening on scene.

The Record has no information yet as to where the patient was taken or their condition. We will update the story as we get more information.

mike.chouinard@comoxvalleyrecord.comLike us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.

Comox Valley Record


Medivac was called in to the scene. Photo by Mike Chouinard