Max the boxer has been missing off of Westside Road since late January. - Image: Contributed

Max the boxer has been missing off of Westside Road since late January. - Image: Contributed

Help find Max, the missing mascot dog

A plea for help to find Max the boxer from a Kelowna business

  • Feb. 6, 2018 12:00 a.m.

Can you help find Max, the sweet and loving boxer?

Oranj Fitness, a fitness studio founded in Kelowna, has lost their company mascot Max and is hoping someone can help find the fawn-coloured boxer.

Company founder Sheila Chutskoff was unloading her truck when Max bolted after a deer on Saturday night Jan. 27 on Westside Road.

A friendly, five-year-old, neutered boxer, Max and his brother Bo were adopted together and had formed a special bond.

“I am devastated at losing my dog” said Chutskoff. “Max, and Bo are a pair of boxers that I adopted through Boxer Rescue Canada. They are so close that they literally wind up and snuggle so tightly, it’s like they are one dog. Bo is besides himself. Crying all the time, acting out of character and just plain depressed. Myself as well.”


Since losing her dog, Chutskoff says she has tried everything to find him, hiring professional search teams, going door to door, searching web sites and posting at her business as well as other franchises of the business.

“Brad Pattison, owner of Pattison Animal Rescue and Host of Canada’s Reality TV show At the End of my Leash and Puppy SOS, led a team of eight people and 10 search dogs last Saturday up the mountain on Westside Rd searching for Max with no luck,” Chutskoff said in a release.

“We’ve come to the conclusion that there is a good chance someone has picked him up off the street and taken him home. Perhaps he lost his collar and they don’t know how to get ahold of me? I’ve tried everything. I’m hoping that someone will read a story about Max in the paper and recognize him and return him. He’s so sadly missed and dearly loved,” she said.

A $1,000 reward plus a 1-year unlimited membership (valued at $2,000) to any Oranj Fitness location is being offered to the first tip that calls in and leads to the safe return of the missing dog.

If you have information contact Chutskoff at or 250-575-0718.

Kelowna Capital News