Two CNIB representatives and the executive of the local White Cane Club presented the Comox Library recently with a reading machine to assist those with vision impairment. It was paid for by the Canadian Council of the Blind and White Cane with a $4,000 donation from the Comox Lions. Feb. 2 to 8 is White Cane Week.

Two CNIB representatives and the executive of the local White Cane Club presented the Comox Library recently with a reading machine to assist those with vision impairment. It was paid for by the Canadian Council of the Blind and White Cane with a $4,000 donation from the Comox Lions. Feb. 2 to 8 is White Cane Week.

Help for blind

Two CNIB representatives and the executive of the local White Cane Club presented the Comox Library recently with a reading machine.

  • Feb. 3, 2014 7:00 p.m.

Comox Valley Record