The World Health Organization has confirmed newspapers are safe to touch and read. File Photo

The World Health Organization has confirmed newspapers are safe to touch and read. File Photo

Help keep our carriers safe

By following a few simple rules, we can ensure our newspaper carriers stay safe and healthy

  • Apr. 7, 2020 12:00 a.m.

Dear readers,

In these strange times, many questions arise every day about what is and is not safe to do. While we’re banished from our favourite shops and restaurants, unable to visit our friends and recommended to stay at home, there are some activities that we can safely partake in. One of these things is reading the newspaper.

Last week, the World Health Organization confirmed that the chance of contracting COVID-19 from your local community newspaper is extremely low. Officials from the WHO confirmed that it is safe to pick up and read your newspaper once it’s been delivered to your door step.

This is great news, since The Free Press staff are working hard to continue providing you with quality and informative community news stories. Although our writing, advertising and production team are all working very hard, so are our dedicated newspaper carriers.

These carriers work diligently every week to ensure your newspaper gets delivered and you can get the information that you need. Since our carriers are doing such a great job, we ask that you follow a couple of guidelines to help keep them safe.

As carriers travel throughout the community to deliver papers, it is not necessary for them to come into contact with anyone. Newspapers can be left on the doorstep, without any human interaction taking place, thereby staying in accordance with social distancing rules.

That being said, if you see your carrier coming to deliver the paper, please do not step outside to meet them. This could put yourself and your carrier at risk. If you see your newspaper being delivered, please allow the carriers to do their job, leave the paper and exit the area before you go to grab your newspaper.

Also, please do not let your pets run outside to meet our carriers. Although pets are unable to catch COVID-19, they are still able to help spread it. Practicing good social distancing, and common sense hygiene will help keep everyone safe and healthy during this time.

Thanks to our readers for your continued support. It is an honour to continue to serve the Elk Valley in providing up to date and pertinent information on all things COVID-19. Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter

The Free Press