Help pick the Best of the City

Today marks the start of balloting in our 20th annual Best of the City awards

The Victoria News is asking you, our readers, to tell us where to find the region’s best pubs, restaurants, art galleries, sports activities, festivals and much more.

Today marks the start of balloting in our 20th annual Best of the City awards.

In today’s newspaper – and online at – there are two full pages of ballots, featuring such subjects as shopping, entertainment, restaurants and recreation.

The printed ballot is in today’s paper only, but online balloting will continue through to May 9. Look for the survey link at the top of our home page.

Enter your ballot and be eligible to win $100 cash. You must vote in a minimum of 30 categories for your vote to count.

The results of the reader survey will be compiled by our staff and published in a special magazine publication on June 27.

Be sure to check out the ballot for entry rules.

Victoria News