Help the turkey fund – The Free Press Turns 115 years Old

Help the turkey fund (Free Press Files from December 1931) - The Free Press Turns 115 years Old

  • Dec. 31, 2012 5:00 p.m.

December 1931

Free Press Files

Once more the Rotarians are appealing for help for the Christmas Turkey Fund. Believing that there are few people here who would care to see their neighbors go without a Christmas dinner, they are asking all who can afford to do so to contribute something to help the cause.

For three or four years they have carried out this idea and the public have responded generously. Last year some 450 turkeys were sent out a cost of about $1200. This year the list of those to take care is larger, so if you can help any amount will be greatly appreciated.

Following is a list of donations up to time of going to press. The fund is still nearly $500 short of the amount required.

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