Hepner’s Pollyanna view is troubling

Surrey – The Editor, Re: “With Watts as ally, Hepner’s only obstacle is denial,” the Now, April 16.

Linda Hepner was a poor choice for mayor but she was voted in.

I see her wanting to deal with the glamour and profile parts of the position but not the detail and dirty work. She seems to have a Pollyanna view of things and I am afraid there is a lack of strong support staff willing to challenge her.

It’s a real shame the entire party was voted in as there is no opposition in council to press them on things.

Newton was once a safe community – but no longer. This is not due to anything its residents have done but due to a total inaction of city council to foresee and confront the problems residents have been warning them about.

As for the city services like fire and police, I see these as politically connected to the current administration.

Someone has to get the word out to poke and prod the administration and it would appear that will fall to media and social media.

As for the mayor’s attitude? It is disconcerting. It reminds me of a realtor trying to sell a nice young couple a house but failing to tell them about a crack house next door. This mayor is afraid to address the tough issues and feels ignoring the problem will contain it.

I guess she is still hoping for that ferris wheel near the Pattullo bridge.

D Miller


Surrey Now