Fraser Lake Elementary Secondary School website photo.

Fraser Lake Elementary Secondary School website photo.

Here is what school will look like for FLESS students

Students are going back to school on June 1 on a voluntary, part-time basis.

  • May. 30, 2020 12:00 a.m.

Schools are reopening across the province on the 1st of June on a voluntary, part-time format.

In a letter to parents, Brian Cross, principal of Fraser Lake Elementary Secondary School explained what school would look like.

Weekly schedule

In terms of the weekly schedule, students in grades 4 to 7 will be attending school two days per week. The school has split students in these grades in a Monday – Tuesday and Wednesday – Thursday group.

Students in grades 8 through 12 will be attending one day per week and have been split into Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday groups, the principal said.

Drop-off and pick-up time

The school will be open for drop-off from 8:40 a.m. and students will be asked to wash their hands on arrival.

Cross asked that parents only drop their kids at 8:40 a.m. and not before that.

The dismissal time will be the same as before the virus pandemic, and if kids are walking home, they need to leave school grounds immediately.

READ MORE: School buses for SD91 to start running from June 1

Parents, caregivers or visitors at school

Meanwhile, if parents and caregivers are wondering whether they are allowed in school, Cross said that under Phase 3 of the provincial plan to reopen, schools have been asked to minimize and track contacts within the school.

“We ask that parents make appointments through the office prior to coming to the building and that, wherever possible, refrain from entering the building. In the event that you do need to visit the school, please report directly to the office, where we will be happy to assist you. We look forward to an eventual return to a more relaxed time,” Cross said in the May 29 letter.

Home learning

If as a parent you have decided not to send your child back to school, learning for them will look different.

“Most home contact for learners will be on Fridays, as that is the day when our in-person learners aren’t at FLESS,” he said.

Items to take to school

Parents are asked to send their child to school with a snack and lunch. Food items that don’t require heating in a microwave or access to hot water are recommended.

Students will not be sharing any items and will have to keep their stuff including jackets, lunch kits, etc, in their own personal space in the classroom.

The school is also requesting students to bring minimum school supplies they need to get through the day.

“Please do not send toys, stuffed animals, etc to school as these items cannot be easily sanitized,” the principal said.

Lastly, secondary students will not be using lockers either.

Breakfast and lunch at school

Both meals will still be available at school. Even though the food programs will be ongoing, they will look different to follow safety protocols.

“Here’s the most important thing….we can’t wait to see you all again. This building isn’t the same without you, and we’re looking forward to finishing strong together. If you have any questions, please give me a call at the school,” Cross said.

Aman Parhar
Editor, Vanderhoof Omineca Express
aman.parhar@ominecaexpress.comLike us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter

Vanderhoof Omineca Express