Heritage Credit Union bargaining committee sets Sept. 5 deadline for deal or else job action

Bargaining committee sets deadline for deal for Heritage Credit Union workers or will resort to job action

  • Sep. 1, 2012 6:00 p.m.
Workers at the Heritage Credit Union/HG Insurance could be on strike as of Tuesday.

Workers at the Heritage Credit Union/HG Insurance could be on strike as of Tuesday.

Following a 76 per cent rejection of the Employers `Last Offer’ vote under the Labour Code last Friday, the Bargaining Committee representing workers at Heritage Credit Union and HG Insurance in Castlegar and Slocan Park today issued a deadline of 8:30AM, Wednesday September 5, 2012 to get a deal in place.

“We seemed to have reached the end of the line,“ said USW Local 1-405 Financial Secretary Jeff Bromley. “The Pension issue has been the biggest stumbling block since we began this process back in May and we`re still not there yet.“

The Union has employed the use of a Provincial Mediator since mid-July in hopes of getting a deal done but to date that hasn`t happened.

“This is our last shot at getting a deal before job action,“ continued Bromley. “We`re disappointed it`s coming to this but we`re left with little choice. The Pension issue must be addressed to our members` satisfaction.“

The Bargaining Committee with Heritage Credit Union and HG Insurance remain committed to return to the bargaining table at any time to get a deal that meets the needs of the workers.

The United Steelworkers Local 1-405 is a diverse union representing over 1100 workers in Sawmills, Credit Unions, Insurance Services, Hotels, Ski Resorts and Municipal workers in the East and West Kootenays.





Castlegar News