Heritage Fair at Agassiz Christian School goes off without a hitch

Eight students from this year's Historica Fair were chosen to attend the Fraser Valley Regional Fair at UFV

Camryn Boer (centre) presents on the 4-H club at the ACS Heritage Fair on Feb. 8 at the school gymnasium.

Camryn Boer (centre) presents on the 4-H club at the ACS Heritage Fair on Feb. 8 at the school gymnasium.

Students made it to the ACS Heritage Fair last Wednesday and managed to set up despite turbulent weather and two day’s of missed school.


ACS students have the unique opportunity to participate in a Historica Fair and a Science Fair during alternating years with this year falling on the Historica category.


Students work hard on their presentations, which take roughly two to four weeks out of their regular Social Studies or Science classes for preparation, as well as Language Arts time to research, write, and practice speaking for the judges.


“Each year some of our older students are chosen to participate in one of the following regional events,” said ACS teacher Melanie Victor. “The topics vary, they might be on Emily Carr or Bill Reid, they might be about Canada Day and different events in time, or they could be something specific to Agassiz’s history or something in First Nations history.”


The Fraser Valley Regional Historica Fair was created as an educational tool to teach young Canadians about Canadian history and culture while giving them the opportunity to present their research to the public.


The goals of the Historica Fairs are: To increase awareness of Canadian heritage; To celebrate Canada’s cultural diversity; To create an exciting learning environment for students of history; To promote and publicize the variety and uniqueness of Canadian heritage; To encourage individuals and their communities to celebrate their part in Canadian history.


The Observer had a chance to chat with a couple of the students who were selected to move onto Regionals.


Camryn Boer took a moment to speak of her exhibit entitled 4-H in Canada.


“The 4-H Club began by a man named A.B. Graham. He started it because he wanted families and kids to get more active in the community — the 4-H’s stand for Head, Health, Hands, Heart,” she said. Boer is also a member of the local 4-H club and takes it to heart.


For Boer, working with the animals is the best part of working with the 4-H club.


“Heritage Fair is a time when we focus on studying the history and culture of Canada,” said ACS Principal John Zuidhof. “We do this every second year alternating with the Science Fair so the kids over the years get a good taste of some of the interesting things about Canadian culture.”


Eight students (and one alternate) were selected from the event to move on to the Fraser Valley Regional Heritage Fair held at the UFV in Abbotsford on May 11-12, 2017.


A few students will be selected from the FVR Heritage Fair to move on to the Provincial Fair for one week in early July.


Eight students selected for the Fraser Valley Regional Heritage Fair at UFV

Grade 4

Qhaden Jarvis

Rebekah Stace-Smith


Grade 5

Neveah Letourneau

Jewelia Timmers

Michaela Victor


Grade 6

Brady Pranger


Grade 7

Camryn Boer (Runner-up/Alternate)

Carter Lanting

Annelyn Victor

Agassiz Observer