Heritage Marketplace open longer

Jeff Jewell lone councillor opposed to hours change

Heritage Marketplace hours have been extended.

Mission council on Monday night lifted a part of the restrictive covenant on title that limited opening hours from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m.; now the stores can be open 24 hours a day.

Residents living 150 metres around the site received notices, and the district received 11 responses opposed to the change, and two in favour. About 200 notices were sent, estimated Barclay Pitkethly, deputy director of development services.

Some of the concerns listed include noise and traffic issues and a potential for an increase in crime.

District staff recommended against the 24-hour operation, and had proposed to extend opening hours from 5 a.m. to 11 p.m. In another option, staff suggested a six-month trial period for around the clock operation and then follow up with a report from police and local residents, however, most councillors felt there wasn’t enough opposition not to proceed with the request.

Coun. Jeff Jewell was the only councillor opposed to the change.

“The objections by those who took the time to write are pretty articulate and specific and it certainly matters a lot to them,” said Jewell, who preferred the six-month trial period. He suspected those living closest to the shopping site strongly opposed the change, while those living further away would not be impacted much.

Coun. Dave Hensman was absent from the meeting.

Mission City Record