High-risk offender’s release prompts police advisory

A high-risk sex offender has moved to Okanagan Falls, prompting RCMP to issue a safety notification for sex-trade workers.

Police issued a safety notification for sex-trade workers after Michael Samoleski was released from custody Aug. 5.

Police issued a safety notification for sex-trade workers after Michael Samoleski was released from custody Aug. 5.

A high-risk sex offender has moved to Okanagan Falls, prompting RCMP to issue a safety notification for sex-trade workers.

Michael Samoleski was released from custody on Aug. 5 after completing a six-year sentence for sexual assault with a weapon, forcible confinement and uttering threats on a sex-trade worker in Saskatchewan.

The offence Samoleski was found guilty of occurred in 2006. He must abide by several conditions including to keep the peace and be of good behaviour, report all sexual relationships and friendships with women to probation, not to possess, own or carry any weapon, not to possess any knives except for the immediate preparation and consumption of food, not to consume or possess any controlled substance, not to be outside his residence between 11 p.m. and 6 a.m. except for employment purposes, not to be in contact with any sex-trade workers or negotiate for sexual services, not to engage in sexual services for money or other consideration and not to frequent areas where sex-trade workers are known to work.

“We have put posters up around Orchard Avenue, Martin Street, the soup kitchen and that area around there. To protect those people that may be in that industry and to make sure they are aware of him so if any conditions are being breached they know to report to us,” said Sgt. Rick Dellebuur.

RCMP put out a narrow cast notification after corrections personnel dealing with Samoleski applied for it through the court. Doing so put a number of different conditions on Samoleski so he can be monitored.

“In this case there is an individual who has served six years, his full term, for the incident in 2006 against a sex trade worker. While he was incarcerated and after he is released corrections and behavioural sciences believed, and as such took appropriate action, that he is of high risk to reoffend violently and at medium risk to reoffend sexually,” said Insp. Brad Haugli. “How they get to that risk level is unknown to me, but what they did then was seek a court order because they fear for a future offence to take place.”

Haugli said RCMP could only give out posters to those believed to be involved in the sex trade industry, put them up in the area where they know of those in the sex trade to be working and to hand them to victim services who may have contact with those in the sex trade industry. What those people do with the posters, for example post them up in other communities or areas, has nothing to do with the RCMP.

Samoleski is described as a 42-year-old Caucasian male, six-feet tall, 200 pounds, with brown eyes and bald head. RCMP also noted he has numerous tattoos including a panther on his chest, flames on his head, a barbarian and grim reaper on his calves, girl on his left and right thigh, and an eagle, skull and heart with ribbons on his arms.

Should members of the public note any suspicious behaviour, including but not limited to a breach of these conditions, involving Samoleski they are asked to contact RCMP at 250-492-4300 or your local police services.


Penticton Western News