Langford residents Roxanne and Alan Dunning ponder whether the tide is a king tide on a recent walk along the Esquimalt Lagoon last week. The pair often walk the popular shoreline in Colwood.

Langford residents Roxanne and Alan Dunning ponder whether the tide is a king tide on a recent walk along the Esquimalt Lagoon last week. The pair often walk the popular shoreline in Colwood.

Higher than normal tide levels predicted for Colwood beaches

City warns residents to take extra precautions when storm watching

The City of Colwood is urging residents to use caution while walking along its beaches this month.

Higher than normal storm surges, caused by high winds pushing waves onto the shore, are predicted between now and January for the Greater Victoria area.

This, combined with expected king tides and the presence of El Niño conditions, is predicted to result in higher than normal water levels.

A king tide is an extreme high tide (more than 3.1 metres) that results from the sun and moon aligning.

The phenomenon happens a few times per year, but tides in our area are most dramatic during the winter months.

This winter is also expected to be warmer, with El Niño weather patterns predicted for the area.

This often results in extended periods of heavy rainfall, for which the City reminds residents to be prepared.

While these conditions can present great opportunities for storm watching along the Colwood waterfront, the City warns the public to remain a safe distance from the waterline. Water levels can surge unexpectedly.

For safety reasons, some pathways and beaches may not be accessible during stormy days or when water levels are exceptionally high.

Goldstream News Gazette