HVC 25th ANNIVERSARY CAKES LINED UP:  Marking the significant milestone in the mine’s life, six large cakes decorated with various mining operation pictures were on display, well photographed and then served out to all who lined up in the Big Tent on the site..

HVC 25th ANNIVERSARY CAKES LINED UP: Marking the significant milestone in the mine’s life, six large cakes decorated with various mining operation pictures were on display, well photographed and then served out to all who lined up in the Big Tent on the site..

Highland Valley Copper celebrates 25th anniversary

Hundreds of people attend open house August 1

A celebration which attracted hundreds of people on a beautiful sunny day was held at the site of the Highland Valley Copper Mine on Monday, August 1, with visitors and whole families coming from all around, Ashcroft, Cache Creek, Logan Lake, Merritt, Kamloops and beyond.

It was the 25th year of successful operation by the ever growing giant that has contributed hugely not only to the economy of the local area but the province as well.

Over the years, the HVC has provided hundreds of well paying jobs and contributed hugely to the well being of families whose members have been employed there.

They chose their 25th anniversary to thank everyone who have been involved with the operation over the years, handing out hundreds of free hot dogs, ice cream and cool drinks to all who attended, and serving up a special cake marking the occasion.

HVC has held an annual open house day for the past couple of decades and it is always looked forward to by families and visitors, local and afar.

It is an opportunity to given to all interested persons to tour the operations, with four buses running in steady circuits taking visitors into the massive open pit and to see the impressive reclamation areas, assay labs and mine maintenance shops.

As well, there was lots of entertainment for all ages taking place in the Big Tent, a variety of contests and an opportunity to visit a number of information displays.

Although all the food and refreshments were provided free by HVC, it was suggested that donations to the Royal Inland Hospital Foundation would be greatly appreciated.



Ashcroft Cache Creek Journal