Highlands resident takes District to task over bumpy ride

District staff looking into pothole problem on municipal access road

  • May. 29, 2017 7:00 p.m.

Rick Stiebel

News Gazette staff

A Highlands resident has some ongoing issues where the rubber hits the road.

Following the autumn rains, Ann Marie Panduro deals with potholes every year. She counted 13 of them recently, some two feet in diameter and more than six inches deep.

Her property is one of several that has a long stretch of unpaved road – in her case about 400 yards – that leads off Millstream Road to her driveway. Panduro has lived there for four years and initially filled in the holes with gravel until the District did some repairs last year. Municipal staff have told her the sections in question are the property of the District of Highlands, but the problem persists.

“I’ve phoned the mayor, my MLA and talked to people with the District in an effort to have the problem resolved,”she said. “Our neighbours are elderly and it’s a problem for them as well. We just want to see something done so we don’t have to deal with it every year for eight months of the year.”

Loranne Hilton, CAO for the District of Highlands, said staff are looking into the matter.

“It’s going through the process of being reviewed and looked at,” she said. “If something needs to be addressed by council, the usual process is that it would be put on the agenda” (for a council meeting).


Goldstream News Gazette