Highlights from Aug. 16 Thompson Nicola Regional District Board meeting

TNRD The following is highlights from the Thompson- Nicola Regional District (TNRD) Aug. 16, Out of Town Board Meeting in the Clearwater Legion Hall. Chair Ranta welcomed members of the public in attendance and expressed his appreciation for the educational events that the Board attended the previous day in Barriere and Clearwater.

  • Aug. 30, 2018 12:00 a.m.

TNRD The following is highlights from the Thompson- Nicola Regional District (TNRD) Aug. 16, Out of Town Board Meeting in the Clearwater Legion Hall. Chair Ranta welcomed members of the public in attendance and expressed his appreciation for the educational events that the Board attended the previous day in Barriere and Clearwater.

Tours were held at the Louis Creek Eco-Depot, the Barriere Solar Aquatics Water Reclamation Centre and the Barriere Library. The Board also attended a presentation by Clearwater Mayor John Harwood at the North Thompson Sportsplex.

Enbridge Activity Update: Jay Morrison, Senior Public Affairs Advisor with Enbridge provided an overview of activity in the Thompson-Nicola Region. It was confirmed that the pipelines running through the region are for natural gas. There are two compressor stations; one located in Savona and the other in Kingsvale. A recent project running for over a year and a half has just been completed to upgrade a compressor in Kingsvale. A smaller scale project will be occurring in Savona in 2019, subject to regulatory approval. Community Energy Association Requests Support for Feasibility Studies: Janice Keyes, Senior Manager with Community Energy Association (CEA) presented to the Board. CEA is an independent advisory association providing services to local governments regarding energy projects and work in collaboration with BC Hydro and Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure. Electric Vehicle (EV) feasibility studies are occurring in the province from Kamloops to Haida Gwaii in order to determine the feasibility of a network of EV charging stations along Highways 16, 97, and 5. The CEA requested support through a $9,000 financial contribution, as well as Board Member attendance at the EV workshop at the upcoming 2018 UBCM Conference. Because of the tight timeline for conference attendance, the Board unanimously agreed to waive the normal process of considering funding requests at a subsequent meeting and agreed to support the work being done by CEA and provide a financial contribution of $9,000.

Board Approves Money for Agricultural Exposition: The Board agreed to provide funding to the British Columbia Agricultural Exposition (BC AG Expo) in the amount of $2,500. The annual Expo is a 4-H event that highlights the benefits of supporting and promoting agriculture through youth. The decision comes after the organization presented to the Board at the July 19 meeting. The British Columbia Agricultural Exposition takes place this year from Sept. 20 to 24 at the North Thompson Agriplex in Barriere.

Provincial Winter Fair Presents to Board: Ada Mogge of the Provincial Winter Fair Society and three youth 4-H participants made a presentation to the Board seeking sponsorship for its annual event. The Fair is in its 80th year of operation and continues the traditions of old-time country fairs including 4-H shows, entertainment, and agricultural education. All divisions are showing an increase in entries. The Fair takes place this year from Sept. 21–24 in Kamloops at the Circle Creek Ranch & Equestrian Centre. The funding request will be considered at the next regularly scheduled Board Meeting.

Dangerous Dog Bylaw Extended to Area “A”: Dangerous Dog Control Service Amendment Bylaw No. 2659 was granted Third Reading by the Board. It will allow Electoral Area “A” (Wells Gray Country) to be included in the service. The amendment was prompted by a request from Electoral Area “A” (Wells Gray Country) Director Carol Schaffer. The addition of Electoral Area “A” will increase participation in the service to seven electoral areas. The Board established a dangerous dog control service for Electoral Areas “I”, “M”, “N” and “P” in 2014. The service area was then amended in 2015 to include another two electoral areas — “J” and “O”.

UV Treatment Reallocated: A series of Federal Gas Tax allocation resolutions were rescinded and a new series of Gas Tax allocation resolutions were adopted in their place. This will allow funding that was previously approved for UV treatment to be reallocated to other utility system initiatives. Because TNRD utility systems do not use filtration systems, the Interior Health Authority considered the average daily turbidity levels too high to approve UV disinfection systems to be installed without filtration. The following Federal Gas Tax funding allocations for UV treatment were rescinded and reallocated to the respective Electoral Areas’ utility systems:

• “A” (Wells Gray Country), Vavenby, $30,000, November 19, 2015

• B” (Thompson Headwaters), Blue River, $20,000, November 19, 2015

• “E” (Bonaparte Plateau), Loon Lake, $25,000, July 17, 2014

• “L” (Grasslands), Del Oro, $25,000, July 17, 2014

• “O” (Lower North Thompson), Maple Mission, $15,000, July 17, 2014

• “P” (Rivers and the Peaks), Black Pines, $15,000, April 17, 2014

• “P” (Rivers and the Peaks), Evergreen, $10,000, April 17, 2014

• “P” (Rivers and the Peaks), Paul Lake Sewer, $20,000, April 17, 2014

• “P” (Rivers and the Peaks), Pritchard Water, $25,000, April 17, 2014 Additional Federal Gas Tax funding was also allocated from the respective Electoral Area Federal Gas Tax allocations:

• “B” (Thompson Headwaters), Blue River, $15,000 • “I” (Blue Sky Country), Walhachin, $5,000

• “J” (Copper Desert Country), Savona, $5,000

Vavenby Water System Gets Gas Tax Funds: The Board approved the Federal Gas Tax – Community Works Fund revenue, allocation to Electoral Area “A” (Wells Gray Country). The money will help fund the construction of a road that will provide permanent access to Vavenby Water System’s reservoir with a maximum expenditure of $25,000. If you would like to read the TNRD’s Board meeting minutes go to:


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