Highlights from council meeting

Highlights from the District of Barriere council meeting

Submitted by Colleen Hannigan


JetVac Collection System: The cameraing of the collection system that was scheduled to occur prior to the warranty period being up has been completed. The only deficiencies that were noted was the amount of sand and gravel, which has been flushed and removed. Due to this debris the pumps in both main lift stations at the bottom of the line were affected as sand travelled into their workings. Mr. Borrill was able to clear one pump and has had to pull the other pump to get it back in working order so that we can start using the system. A more detailed report, including any deficiencies noted, will be presented at the next Council meeting.

Solar Aquatics Water Reclamation Centre Update: Pipe insulation was completed and fire stopping underway this week as well as the final components of the soap bubble insulation system. The system has been tested with water and runs. There is a valve that has to be installed in the chlorination part of the process and we are speaking to Argus to see if we can bypass this component at this time as it won’t be brought into play until spring when we will be irrigating with the class A effluent as opposed to going directly to the rapid infiltration basins. The target date for accepting sewage into the system is still holding at Sept. 12. Wastewater connection permits are available through a link on the front page of our website or by coming into the office. There is no charge for this permit but an inspection prior to backfilling is required.

Bradford Wells Update: BC Groundwater has confirmed that they have received go-ahead to discharge to the river. This week they will undertake the pump test on the test well and will be discharging into the ponds dug in the park. They will only have to discharge to the river if the ponds can’t hold and dissipate the water or if they see the water migrating into the adjacent monitoring wells to a level that could potentially affect the neighbouring properties.

Reservoir Update: The preferred site has been identified and our engineer is drafting a final design and discussing with BC Hydro as to whether we can use some of their existing road access and hydro easement to the site. A full report will be provided at the next Council meeting.

Bylaw Infractions: The number of bylaw complaints has risen substantially this year. Staff has been dealing with 18 active files to date versus five for the entire 2015 year.

Due to the time involved in processing, investigating and addressing these complaints in a timely and legal manner, administrative costs for this service have risen. Although site inspection duties are shared between three employees, administration deals with all of the documentation as well as the majority of the upfront complaints which often come in the form of one or sometimes numerous lengthy phone calls. To maintain this level of service Council may have to consider additional dollars in the 2017 budget.

Splash in the Past: There was a much welcomed soft opening of the splash pad on Friday, Aug. 26 with temperatures approaching 30 degrees Celsius. Levelling of the area surrounding the pad was completed on the following Tuesday and the fencing re-established adjacent the concrete to try and keep as much sand out of the drains as possible until the grass has taken. Landscaping and general finishing of the site will take place this fall and there is another apple pie fundraiser coming up this fall.

Barriere Star Journal