Highlights from TNRD board of directors' meeting Oct. 18

Highlights from TNRD board of directors’ meeting Oct. 18

Dangerous Dog Bylaw Adopted for Area A

  • Nov. 8, 2018 12:00 a.m.

Board Hears from Fair Vote Kamloops

Gisela Ruckert from Fair Vote Kamloops made a presentation to the Board about the upcoming BC referendum concerning proportional representation.

Fair Vote Kamloops is the local chapter of Fair Vote Canada, a grassroots organization that is in favour of proportional representation. The referendum will decide if B.C. keeps the current “First Past the Post” voting

system, or if it will change to a proportional representation voting system.

British Columbians will receive their voting packages from Elections BC starting October

22 and will have until November 30, 2018, to vote in the referendum.

For more information, visit prorepfactcheck.ca

United Way provides wildfire assistance update

The Board heard from Danalee Baker, Executive Director, and Kristi Rintoul, Senior Manager of Community Impact, from the United Way Thompson Nicola Cariboo. They provided an update about the organization’s ongoing effort to help residents recover from the impact of BC wildfires.

Funding approved for Kamloops Arts Council

The Board agreed to provide $5,000 towards the Art Exposed exhibition, which is presented by the Kamloops Arts Council.

Art Exposed will showcase work from artists throughout the region from March 8 to 16, 2019. The TNRD has been a longtime sponsor of the exhibition.

Fire Protection Service Area Establishment Bylaws Adopted

The Board adopted bylaws for the establishment of TNRD-administered fire protection service areas in Little Fort and Tobiano – Little Fort Fire Protection Service Area Establishment Bylaw No. 2655, 2018, and Tobiano Fire Protection Service Area Establishment Bylaw No. 2656, 2018.

The Board also adopted Tobiano Fire Protection Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 2657, 2018. This will allow for borrowing for the construction of a fire hall, which will take place once details of the project have been completed.

All three bylaws had been given third reading to at the July 19 Board meeting, and were then forwarded to the Inspector of Municipalities for approval before adoption.

The bylaws were the product of successful public assent processes in Little Fort and Tobiano. Service establishment is anticipated for January 1, 2019.

Dangerous Dog Bylaw Adopted

The Board adopted Dangerous Dog Control Service Amendment Bylaw No. 2659, 2018. It will allow Electoral Area “A” (Wells Gray Country) to be included in the service.

The bylaw had been given third reading to at the Aug. 16 Board meeting, and was then forwarded to the Inspector of Municipalities for approval before adoption.

The amendment was prompted by a request from Electoral Area “A” Director Carol Schaffer. This addition will increase participation in the service to seven electoral areas.

Board, committees meetings schedule approved

The Board of Directors and Committees meetings schedules for 2019 were approved by the Board. The Board of Directors meetings include the annual out-of-town Board

Meeting which takes place in Chase on Aug. 14 and 15, 2019. Both schedules can be seen at tnrd.ca.

Pritchard Fire Department gets sprinkler unit

The Board authorized staff to purchase a Type II Sprinkler Protection Unit, to a maximum of $160,000 plus taxes, to be housed at the Pritchard Volunteer Fire Department.

Sprinkler protection units (SPUs) can help protect buildings or other flammable infrastructure, and act similar to a large- rotating crop irrigation head. When water is scarce, large bladders provide the necessary amounts.

In August 2017, Electoral Area “L” Director Gillis requested that staff investigate the cost of a Structural Protection Unit Trailer and report back to the Board. Another similar motion was carried at the September Electoral Area Directors meeting in September 2017.

Emergency Alert System to be Assessed

The Board agreed to evaluate the suitability AlertBC, the Province of BC’s new emergency notification system, for suitable use by the TNRD’s emergency operations centre (EOC).

AlertBC will be implemented by Emergency Management BC in 2019.

At the August Board meeting, the Board resolved that staff be directed to explore the cost of implementing an emergency notification system similar to the Cariboo Regional District and provide a report for consideration.

Clearwater Times