The Highway 19A construction project wrapped up for the season in September, 2019 after a midden was discovered near Rotary Beach Park. A midden is archeological evidence of past First Nations occupation in the area. File image provided

The Highway 19A construction project wrapped up for the season in September, 2019 after a midden was discovered near Rotary Beach Park. A midden is archeological evidence of past First Nations occupation in the area. File image provided

Highway 19A construction in Campbell River will resume this month

Some single-lane, alternating traffic or temporary road closures will be required

  • Feb. 10, 2020 12:00 a.m.

Construction on Highway 19A will resume in February – and the final phase of a three-year upgrade project will not close the route to traffic, the City of Campbell River has announced.

Work on the final stretch, north from Rockland Road to First Avenue is expected to continue into late fall, with two lanes of traffic flowing most of the time. In some cases, single-lane, alternating traffic or temporary closures will be required.

In the first two years of the three-year Waterfront Project, roughly two kilometres of new sewer and water pipes have been installed along Highway 19A north from Rockland Road. This year’s construction will continue to update water, sewer, storm drains and the community’s seaside transportation route.

“This is a big year for construction, with a lot to accomplish, and there will be many improvements that residents will enjoy once the work is complete,” Mayor Andy Adams said in a press release. “This is a critical improvement to some of the most important services of our community, and we are pleased to be able to make these upgrades and minimize disruption for the people living and commuting in the work zone.”

To provide an update on the 2020 construction work, a drop-in open house will be held from 5 to 7 p.m. on Monday, March 16 at the Maritime Heritage Centre.

Among the updates to be shared is news on the assessment of the midden found in fall 2019, and the plans for traffic movement on Highway 19A this summer.

The completion of sewer pipe installation was postponed last fall after the discovery of a midden near Rotary Beach Park. Assessment of the midden, made up largely of shells, was completed with a First Nations review through the fall of 2019 and the province has now approved the work to continue, with monitoring required in the area during work.

“As agreed during the review, the city will ensure that if anything of significance is found, it is properly cared for and provided to the Campbell River Museum,” said Dave Morris, general manager of assets and operations.

For more information on the projects and what’s to come, visit

RELATED: Archaeological discovery halts Campbell River waterfront sewer and water project

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