Highway 3 reopened post-flooding to essential travel only

Province now under mandated non-essential travel restrictions along highways impacted by flooding

Entering Hope on Flood Hope Road, road signs for Highways 1 (Trans-Canada), 3 (Crowsnest) and 5 (Coquihalla). (Emelie Peacock/Hope Standard)

Entering Hope on Flood Hope Road, road signs for Highways 1 (Trans-Canada), 3 (Crowsnest) and 5 (Coquihalla). (Emelie Peacock/Hope Standard)

As crews work to clear debris and damage from the recent flooding, travellers are seeing a glimmer of hope: Highway 3 has reopened, connecting the Lower Mainland to the Interior once again.

In an update Friday (Nov. 19), Transportation Minister Rob Fleming said that the highway is now under non-essential travel restrictions, as part of the latest orders under the state of emergency.

Highway 7 between Hope and Metro Vancouver is also now opened.

Drivers should expect sections of single-lane alternating traffic on Highway 7 and three sections of single-lane alternating traffic on Highway 3 east of Hope.

The ministry warned that delays will be significant, given the amount of essential goods to be delivered and the many people eager to complete their trips home.

It is strongly encouraged to wait an extra day or two to travel if possible. This will help the movement of essential goods on Highway 3, the ministry added.

READ MORE: B.C. orders ration on gas in southwest; restricts travel on flood-ravaged highways


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