Highway 3 slide update

Monitoring has been ongoing at site of slide on Highway 3 west of Keremeos since initial event took place in late January

The site of a rockfall that took place on Highway 3 in late January has seen a minimal amount of activity as highways officials continue to monitor the site.

An earthen berm constructed in one of the highway’s westbound lanes and a reduced speed zone through the affected area has been in place since a number of rocks, some as big as a pickup truck, tumbled onto the roadbed around noon on January 27.

A recent inquiry to the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure regarding efforts to stabilize the site and reopen all four lanes of the highway  was made by the Review after an incident during a heavy rain on May4 resulted in more debris coming down on the highway. A tractor trailer unit was badly damaged when it struck a rock in the slide area, and the highway was closed for several hours while the ministry re-assessed the situation.

The ministry described their present position with respect o the rock slide as follows:

“The ministry assessed the site during the original rock fall in January, resulting in construction of a berm on the highway and implementing structured monitoring to reduce the risk of further rock falls affecting the highway and the safety of travellers.

“The temporary berm has been successful at reducing rock fall on the road. The ministry’s geotechnical engineers are reviewing whether or not further modifications at this site are required while observing the site through the spring thaw.

“Until that assessment is completed, we will leave the temporary berm in place and continue our monitoring process.”








Keremeos Review