Winter has brought a partial halt to the Hwy16 improvement project at Six Mile Summit. Motorists are asked to drive carefully through the construction zone. (Houston Today photo)

Highway project on partial hold for the winter

Passing lanes being added at Six Mile Summit

On-highway construction at the Six Mile Summit project on Hwy16 between Houston and Burns Lake has shut down for the winter.

But off-road work such as moving utilities is scheduled to continue throughout the winter with a view for a full restart next spring leading to a planned fall 2021 completion date.

The $15 million project will result in a new two-kilometre westbound passing lane, an extension of the eastbound passing lane, and upgrades will be made to the entry and exit lanes to the brake check and chain off areas at 6 Mile Summit.

Jakes Construction Ltd. from the Fraser Valley was awarded the contract late last spring and set up an operations base at Broman Lake, three kilometres from the construction site.

Crews had been clearing the ground for the passing lane additions, laying down a base which will then be built up in preparation for paving.

And while on-highway work is on hold, transportation ministry officials remind drivers the area remains an active construction site and, that with winter driving conditions having arrived, that extra care and attention should be taken when travelling adjacent to the construction site.

The Six Mile Summit project is the largest of its kind underway along Hwy16 in this area.

More than 90 kilometres of Hwy16 was also resurfaced in the Houston and Smithers areas at a cost of $7.5 million this past summer.

– With files from Priyanka Ketkar.

Burns Lake Lakes District News