Gord Downie, lead singer of The Tragically Hip, entertains the 12,000 faithful who braved sketchy weather at Rock the Shores music festival in Colwood, July 13.

Gord Downie, lead singer of The Tragically Hip, entertains the 12,000 faithful who braved sketchy weather at Rock the Shores music festival in Colwood, July 13.

Hip take the stage after storm scare

Crowd behaved well as wind and lightning stalled the show

After Sam Roberts Band had to abandon the stage after only a handful of songs due to wind and lightning, crowd, crew and musicians alike wondered if the show would go on.

After about an hour of delays and a crowd-pleasing display of lightning, The Tragically Hip took the stage to frenzied applause.

The show goes on.

Watch the Gazette for a full page photo spread next week. We’ll also post more photos online in the next few days.

Goldstream News Gazette