Hit and run victim sends message of thanks

Hit and run victim sends message of thanks

"The care and love this community has given me and my family has been incredible."

  • Nov. 12, 2014 6:00 p.m.

To the Comox Valley community:

My name is Molly Burton, and as I’m sure many of you know, I was the victim of a hit and run on Dyke Road last September. I suffered extensive injuries and am still in the process of healing. I am writing this letter because there is no way I could ever thank each of you personally for all you have done for me and my family through this whole ordeal.

The care and love this community has given me and my family has been incredible. The strength this community has shared with me has made an enormous difference in my healing. Feeling so supported by a community that I love has helped me bear a weight that I could never have handled alone. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, thank you. Hopefully someday I will be able to put all these injuries behind me, but I will never put the kindness of the members of this community behind me. You gave me strength when I was healing, and that strength has grown into my bones. This awful thing happened to me and the Comox Valley rallied behind me and made it bearable. I feel so deeply supported, and I will never be able to express the level of gratitude I hold for everyone who lent me their strength when I didn’t have enough of my own.

You are all so very special to me, and I will forever hold your goodness and kindness in my heart.

Molly Burton

Comox Valley Record