This will be the third annual homeless count that the city has done. During the last two years, the number of homeless went up.

This will be the third annual homeless count that the city has done. During the last two years, the number of homeless went up.

Homeless count taking place in Terrace next week

City helping finance the third year of counting local homeless population

  • Apr. 14, 2016 5:00 p.m.

The city of Terrace is to hold its annual homeless count April 20-21, the third year in a row it has used the method to examine the issue here.

The count is to be conducted through the Terrace and District Community Services Society, which did the first count in 2014 and the second last year.

In 2014 the count found that 64 people considered themselves homeless, with no reliable place to stay, rent, own or have control over, and the next year that rose to 74.

Of those interviewed last year, 45 people were male, 28 female, and 44 were aboriginal, 11 non-aboriginal and 18 did not respond.

Interviewers were told 32 had stayed in a shelter the night before, 15 outside or in a vehicle, 12 at someone else’s place; two at their own place, one at a recovery house, and eight gave no response.

The Ksan House Society’s regular emergency shelter is located at its Hall St. complex on the southside and is regularly full.

A second shelter, operated during the colder weather months from fall to spring has space for 20 people and was on-average half full from October last year to the end of March this year.






Terrace Standard