Homeless plans to proceed to council on Monday

Council will discuss task force recommendations, proposal for cabin village for homeless

This site on Valley Road is the location of two proposal for temporary use.

This site on Valley Road is the location of two proposal for temporary use.

Two reports on plan to address homelessness in Abbotsford will go to council on Monday.

Recommendations from staff on the homelessness action plan – which has been approved in principle by council – will be discussed.

The report recommends council direct the city manager to create a city position for a housing and homelessness co-ordinator and reallocate the money to fund the manager level position, expected to have a salary and benefits ranging between $92,00 to $124,000, subject to the job description being finalized.

It also recommends that council authorize the establishment of a homelessness action committee to continue the work of the task force, which will be formally set up in the new year.

The city will also receive a report on applications for a temporary use permit for the land on Valley Road, where a local group has proposed a cabin village for the homeless.

There are currently two requests before the city for temporary use permits on the land – one for the village and another for a temporary composting and recycling facility.

As one proposal is residential and the other industrial, the report says the city must consider them together to determine whether they are compatible.

The information report will go to council and the temporary use proposals will be considered at a later date.

The meeting is held Monday at 3 p.m. at Matsqui Centennial Auditorium.

Abbotsford News