Hope is sitting at 77 per cent vaccination rate for people over 50, but drops significantly when younger age groups are included. (Black Press Media file photo)

Hope case count returns to zero, vaccination rate increases

Hope doing well with older populations but lagging in younger age groups for COVID-19 shots

Hope’s COVID-19 case rate is back down to zero after a brief peak the week before.

But the low vaccination rate continues, at just 66 per cent as of July 13 for everyone over age 12. The numbers are released for each community in the province once a week.

One month ago, Hope was at 63 per cent vaccination rate. The rates look at those with at least one vaccination shot.

The percentages improve as younger age groups are removed. Of Hope residents aged 18 and up, 68 per cent are vaccinated, and of residents aged 50 and up, 77 per cent are vaccinated.

These are the lowest rates in the Fraser Health, but much higher than some other small B.C. communities. Enderby is at 59 per cent. Peace River North and South are at 51 per cent.

Delta continues to have the highest vaccination rate in Fraser Health at 86 per cent, and the Central Coast has the highest in the province at 94 per cent.

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Hope Standard